Pen Making Sites
Here are some links to some of my favorite penmaking websites.
Penturning forum including photo albums, library of tutorials on pen making
techniques and much more. This is where the International Association of Penturners meet.
Penturning email list. This is the Yahoo Penturners Group. This group has an
excellent search of archives and an extensive library of techniques, materials,
and links to penturning suppliers./
Penturning email list similar to the others. Lots of photo galleries, articles,
and penturning help.
The PanMakersGuild is an offshoot of the Yahoo! group and membership is not
automatic as is membership in the Yahoo! Penturners group. A masterpiece pen
must be submitted and membership is given or denied by a committee. Posts can be read
but other info is private. But, the contents of the group's archives can be
fully accessed at
Browse the galleries to see some incredible pens. Read the articles
or watch the videos for expert advice from excellent penmakers.
Red River Pens Home Page
Unique Pens and Special Requests
Wood Samples
About the Artist
Pen Store
Snake Skin Pens
Site Map
Gallery of Sold Pens |